Mayor of Haslemere pays a special visit to Holy Cross
A week of Christmas celebrations at Holy Cross Hospital concluded with a visit from the Mayor of Haslemere.
Councillor Oliver Leach was received by Frances Campion-Smith, Chief Executive at Holy Cross; Trustee, Sister Kathleen, and staff. Councillor Leach was shown around the hospital where he saw the hydrotherapy pool, the wards, outpatients’ physiotherapy gym, therapy rooms and restaurant. The visit ended in the activities room where the Mayor joined in with carol singing and spent time chatting to patients, their friends and relatives and members of staff.
Speaking after the visit, Councillor Leach said: “I was astonished by the level of love and care the staff give to patients. As a facility, Holy Cross is a hidden gem in our community which provides amazing rehabilitation.”
Frances Campion-Smith said: “We were delighted to welcome the Mayor to Holy Cross and we enjoyed giving him an insight into our work and the opportunity to meet patients. It was a very happy and festive gathering with lots of carol singing and many patients joining in with tambourines and bells. Social activities such as this are an important part of the rehabilitation process and are greatly enjoyed by the patients who choose to attend.”
Holy Cross specialises in neurorehabilitation, rehabilitation and restorative care. Many of the patients come to the hospital for care and rehabilitation after spending time in an acute hospital setting following an acquired brain injury. Each patient has a personalised care plan which focuses not only on physical needs but also on advanced rehabilitation to unlock potential. For more information about Holy Cross, visit www.holycross.org.uk.