Mrs A

‘Mrs A’ arrived at Holy Cross in 2021 for rehabilitation after spending six weeks in intensive care. She had been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Prior to the onset of the disease ‘Mrs A’ led an active life, enjoying singing in her local choir, Scottish dancing, gardening, going on holidays and was a member of her local U3A.

In the initial weeks after arriving ‘Mrs A’ was totally dependent on our nursing team, requiring the help of a ventilator to breathe and could not walk, speak or swallow.

Gradually, with the help of the Physiotherapy Team, she has regained her strength and has started to walk. She has recovered her balance using the ‘magic carpet’ with our Occupational Therapist. Our Speech and Language Therapist has helped her to speak and to swallow. The next challenges are walking upstairs, dressing whilst standing and doing up shoe laces.

‘Mrs A’ considers the ‘extremely kind and caring efficiency’ provided by the Nursing Team and that she has always felt ‘very safe’ at Holy Cross to be vital factors in her rehabilitation.

As of March 2023 ‘Mrs A’ continues to work with our Physiotherapy Team three times a week, with weekly sessions spent in the hydrotherapy pool where she has found she can walk up the underwater pool steps. We look forward to watching ‘Mrs A’ attain her goals and hope to hear her sing in her local choir once again.

Our Patients' Stories

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